
Life Blood

Life Blood


10 Ungluers have Faved this Work
In "Life Blood", Thomas Hoover brings together impressive storytelling skills with fascinating, authentic medical detail and more than enough suspense to keep readers poised on the edge of their seats. Like Tess Gerritsen's In Their Footsteps, Michael Palmer's The Patient, and Nelson DeMille's Plum Island, this thriller from an exciting new voice promises to shoot straight up the bestseller lists.It lies hidden deep in the mist-shrouded rain forest of Central America. A place where a brilliant doctor fulfills dreams for some -- and creates chilling nightmares for others. Now, filmmaker Morgan James is about to journey straight into the heart of a dark conspiracy...where a bizarre human experiment comes at a terrible price. And where she may be the next to pay with her life.

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  • Central America
  • Fiction
  • Horror


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