

For Rights Holders

Publicizing Campaigns

Can I contact my supporters directly?
Yes, when you're logged in as a campaign manager, you can contact supporters directly via the ungluers tab. You can also enter comments which are delivered to every supporter who hasn't opted out of comments.

We don't get other contact information, except as needed to fulfill premiums after successful campaigns. Supporters may voluntarily disclose certain contact information on their profile pages. We encourage you to be thoughtful in your use of this information.
How do I get feedback from supporters or fans about my campaign?
Ask them!

Also, pay attention to places they're talking about your campaign. This might be the Comments tab, a hashtag on social media, the comments section of your blog, a forum on your web site, your Facebook page, et cetera. You can use your campaign pitch to point them to these spaces, too. Read them regularly to see what people are saying, and to participate in the conversation.
How do I share my campaign?
On every campaign page, you can generate an HTML widget that you can embed wherever you like. It will automatically be updated with your campaign's progress. There are also links to share the page via email and social networks.

Have other ways you want to share? Your own blog, newsletter, or social media presence? Your friends, and their friends? Professional associations? Media contacts? Go for it!

Need more ideas? We're happy to work with rights holders personally to craft a campaign strategy.
How can I get my campaign featured on the home page or the Explore menu pages?
We automatically generate those lists from the books with the most (or most recent) wishes, pledges, and comments. The more people you can rally to show their love of your book, the more likely it is to be featured there.