keyword: Spain – 145 free books.
Naval Leadership in the Atlantic World: The Age of Reform and Revolution, 1700–1850
Richard Harding and Agustín Guimerá
Ever Faithful - Race, Loyalty and the Ends of Empire in Spanish Cuba
David Sartorious
State-Sponsored Disinformation Around the Globe
Martin Echeverría et al. (editors)
State-Sponsored Disinformation Around the Globe
Martin Echeverría et al. (editors)
Virgin Spain : $b Scenes from the spiritual drama of a great people
Waldo David Frank
The Spanish Model for Smart Tourism Destination Management
Lidia Andrades et al. (editors)
Mines et métallurgies anciennes. Mélanges en l’honneur de Béatrice Cauuet
Stéphane Mauné et al. (editors)
Gouverner et administrer les principautés des Alpes aux Pyrénées (XIIIe-XVIe siècle)
Dominique Bidot-Germa et al. (editors)
Rural Areas Facing the Challenge of Economic Diversification: Threats and Opportunities
Francisco Javier Castellano-Álvarez et al. (editors)
Law and Order for Energy Transition: Public Policies at the Crossroads
Matheus Koengkan and Fernanda Oliveira, editors
How Citizens View Science Communication
Carolina Moreno-Castro et al. (editors)