

keyword: chemometrics – 47 free books.

doab These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.

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Techniques for Food Authentication: Trends and Emerging Approaches

Margit Cichna-Markl and Isabel Mafra, editors

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Margit Cichna-Markl and Isabel Mafra, editors

Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy for Predicting Quality Compounds in Foods

Mercedes Del Río Celestino and Rafael Font Villa, editors

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Mercedes Del Río Celestino and Rafael Font Villa, editors

Aquaphotomics - Exploring Water Molecular Systems in Nature

Roumiana Tsenkova and Jelena Muncan, editors

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Roumiana Tsenkova and Jelena Muncan, editors

Feature Papers in Food Chemistry

Mirella Nardini (editor)

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Mirella Nardini (editor)

Valorization of Food Processing By-Products

Marco Poiana et al. (editors)

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Marco Poiana et al. (editors)

Advanced Technologies for Biomass

Andrea Di Carlo and Elisa Savuto, editors

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Andrea Di Carlo and Elisa Savuto, editors

Novel Analytical Methods in Food Analysis

Philippe Delahaut and Riccardo Marega, editors

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Philippe Delahaut and Riccardo Marega, editors

Natural Additives in Food

Lillian Barros and Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, editors

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Lillian Barros and Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, editors

Sustainability of Olive Oil System

Cristina Alamprese et al. (editors)

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Cristina Alamprese et al. (editors)