keyword: hong kong – 24 free books.
Intercultural Theology vis-à-vis Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue
Francis-Vincent Anthony (editor)
Ana B. Bernardo et al. (editors)
2nd Edition of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM)
Emily Ying Yang Chan and Holly Ching Yu Lam, editors
Ensuring Quality Education and Good Learning Environments for Students
Ana B. Bernardo et al. (editors)
Participation and Well Being Among Children and Youth With Childhood Onset Disabilities
Dana Anaby and Mats Granlund, editors
Simone Lolli et al. (editors)
al-Mukhtaṣar al-muḥtāj ilayhi min Tārīkh al-ḥāfiẓ abī ʻAbd Allāh
Jane Golley et al.
Big Data Research for Social Sciences and Social Impact
Miltiadis D. Lytras et al.
Governing Integrated Water Resources Management
Oliver Fritsch and David Benson
Global Burden and Challenges of Melioidosis
Direk Limmathurotsakul and David AB Dance