keyword: spectral analysis – 21 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Boundary Layer Processes in Geophysical/Environmental Flows
Joseph Kuehl et al. (editors)
Current Problems and Advances in Computational and Applied Mechanics
Sebastian Skatulla (editor)
Early Detection of Faults in Induction Motors
Daniel Morinigo-Sotelo et al. (editors)
Various Applications of Methods and Elements of Adaptive Optics
Julia Sheldakova (editor)
How to Manage Migratory Pests and Potential Food Crises
Michel Lecoq and Arianne Cease, editors
Emerging and Advanced Green Energy Technologies for Sustainable and Resilient Future Grid
Surender Reddy Salkuti (editor)
Advanced Operation and Maintenance in Solar Plants, Wind Farms and Microgrids
Luis Hernández-Callejo et al. (editors)
Innovative Methods and Materials in Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures
Raffaele Zinno and Serena Artese, editors
Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies
Diego Vicinanza and Pasquale Contestabile, editors
Urban Overheating - Progress on Mitigation Science and Engineering Applications
Michele Zinzi and Matheos Santamouris