
I consumi sanitari privati in Italia

I consumi sanitari privati in Italia

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Health is a Constitutional right. So, why is talking about private consumption in healthcare relevant? Does thinking there could be room for further private initiative make sense in a quasi-market? If so, given the issue of constitutionally guaranteed rights, what scope is there and for what needs? These are the questions explored and to which this textbook seeks answers by filling a gap in the management and health policy literature. Rigorously analyzing the trend of private health consumption in the Italian health sector, the implications for the NHS, and proposing conceptual and operational frameworks for those interested in developing entrepreneurial activity in healthcare or consolidating their management skills in the field.

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  • Accredited Healthcare Management
  • health sector
  • Health systems & services
  • Healthcare Consumerism
  • Management of Private Facilities
  • Medical administration & management
  • medicine
  • Medicine: General Issues
  • Out of pocket
  • Private Healthcare Consumption


DOI: 10.54103/ahead.152


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