The young Dostoevsky: (1846 - 1849) ; a critical study
Victor Terras
Campaign coming soon!
The word 'sublime' and its context: 1650-1760
Theodore E. B. Wood
Campaign coming soon!
Insinuation: the tactics of English satire
James W. Nichols
Campaign coming soon!
Language and Power in the Creation of the USSR, 1917-1953
Michael G. Smith
Campaign coming soon!
The theme of Nazi concentration camps in French literature
Cynthia J. Haft
Campaign coming soon!
Perspectives on the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines
Gerard Lemaine, Michael Mulkay, Peter Weingart, Roy Macleod (eds)
Campaign coming soon!
Reality's Dark Dream: The Narrative Fiction of Ludwig Tieck
William J. Lillyman
Campaign coming soon!
Innovations in the European economy between the wars
François Caron et al.
No campaign yet.
But if lots of ungluers fave this book, maybe there will be!