The Essence & Topicality of Thomism
Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. (Author) and Alan Aversa (translator)
Campaign coming soon!
Relational Mechanics and Implementation of Mach's Principle with Weber's Gravitational Force
André Koch Torres Assis
André Koch Torres Assis (Author) and Ceno Pietro Magnaghi (translator)
Экспериментальные и Исторические Основы Электричества Перевел с английского Артур Бараов (Том 2)
André Koch Torres Assis (Author) and Artur Baraov (translator)
The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity: Volume 2
André Koch Torres Assis
Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos
Marcelo Bueno and André Koch Torres Assis
Экспериментальные и Исторические Основы Электричества Перевел с английского Артур Бараов (Том 1)
André Koch Torres Assis (Author) and Artur Baraov (translator)
Elektrischer Strom und Oberflächenladungen: was Wilhelm Weber schon vor mehr als 150 Jahre wusste
André Koch Torres Assis et al.
André Koch Torres Assis and Ceno Pietro Magnaghi
André Koch Torres Assis and Julio Akashi Hernandes
The Experimental and Historical Foundations of Electricity (vol. 1)
André Koch Torres Assis
Ampère's Force Law: A Modern Introduction
Pierre Duhem (Author) and Alan Aversa (translator)
The Electric Theories of J. Clerk Maxwell
Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem
No campaign yet.
But if lots of ungluers fave this book, maybe there will be!
The Sense of Mystery: Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life
Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
No campaign yet.
But if lots of ungluers fave this book, maybe there will be!