Colmillo blanco is a translation of this work.
Croc-Blanc is a translation of this work.
Wolfsblut is a translation of this work.
Beyaz Dis is a translation of this work.
Zanna Bianca is a translation of this work.
Caninos brancos is a translation of this work.
Ullal Blanc is a translation of this work.
Bílý tesák is a translation of this work.
Белый Клык is a translation of this work.
Susikoira is a translation of this work.
Ulvehunden is a translation of this work.
Biały Kieł is a translation of this work.
Varghunden is a translation of this work.
Ulvehunden is a translation of this work.
Біле Ікло is a translation of this work.
Wittand is a translation of this work.
Colt alb̧ is a translation of this work.
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