Affair is a novel by Nick Stokes. A man who collects sticks and gathers stones has an affair with a woman in the woods and struggles to return to his wife. An author writes about a man having an affair in order to destroy the man and discover who he is. The two stories are woven and inextricable.
Affair is influenced by magical-realism, surrealism, absurdism, postmodernism, modernism, post-postmodernism, premodernism, realism, organisms, and ismism.
This is the version from The Seattle Star. It preserves the original serialization, including "chapter" breaks and titles. More info, including links to buy, at nickstokes.net.
Affair is influenced by magical-realism, surrealism, absurdism, postmodernism, modernism, post-postmodernism, premodernism, realism, organisms, and ismism.
This is the version from The Seattle Star. It preserves the original serialization, including "chapter" breaks and titles. More info, including links to buy, at nickstokes.net.
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