
The Blue Fairy Book

The Blue Fairy Book


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Indhold: East o' the sun and west o' the moon ; The bronze ring ; The yellow dwarf ; Little Red Riding-Hood ; The sleeping beauty in the wood ; Cinderella, or The little glass slipper ; Aladdin and the wonderful lamp ; The tale of a youth who set out to learn what fear was ; Rumpelstiltzkin ; Beauty and the beast ; The mastermind ; Why the sea is salt ; The master cat, or Puss in boots ; The white cat ; The water-lily ; The gold spinners ; The terrible head ; The story of pretty Goldilocks ; The history of Whittington ; Prince Dorus ; Little thumb ; The forty thieves ; Hansel and Grettel ; Snow-white and Rose-red ; The goose girl ; Toads and diamonds ; Blue Beard ; Trusty John ; The brave little tailor ; The princess on the glass hill ; The history of Jack the Giant-Killer ; The Red Etin ; The black bull of Norroway

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