Aging in the Social Space
Łukasz Tomczyk and Andrzej Klimczuk
0 others
A publication called Aging in the Social Space is a compilation of studies, which deal with theoretical understanding and empirical solutions, learning about problem spheres, specifying content parallels of social, legal, economic, moral and ethical views on senior issues in society, which are closely related to each other and are interconnected. This publication focus on the case study of Poland. It is supposed to provide a multidimensional view of old age issues and issues related to aging and care for old people in society. We believe that it is natural also to name individual spheres, in which society has some eff ect, either direct or indirect, within issues concerning seniors. Learning about these spheres is the primary prerequisite for successful use of social help to seniors in society. "The work elaborates a very important topic of our time, this is of an aging population, which many countries with their established social, political, legislative, health and other systems are not prepared for. The authors compared the global data on the aging of the population with information relating to the aging of the population in Poland. This publication consists of two large chapters with subheadings. In the first part the authors describe the elderly in social area and in the second part of a social policy relating to older people. The first part explains the different concepts and presents a new paradigm, which refers to the phenomenon of active aging. The second part presents the analysis of the aging population in selected major cities and presents documents and strategies necessary for further development of the quality of life of elderly people. The case studies technique enables the authors the identification of a number of factors and in-depth analysis of researched topics for each city. Theoretical bases complement to the research findings of other authors and adds their findings." Doc. dr Bojana Filej, the Alma Mater Europaea – European Center, Maribor, Slovenia "The publication, in my humble opinion, can be dedicated primarily to researchers of social gerontology topics, primarily students from the humanities and social sciences. Given the systematic increase in the number of people from abroad studying in Poland (including the Erasmus program) this book can also be used as teaching material to courses on subjects such as: geragogics, social gerontology, social pedagogy and sociology ." Prof. dr hab. Jan Maciejewski, the University of Wrocław, Poland
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- active ageing
- age discrimination
- age-friendly city
- ageing
- Ageism
- aktywne starzenie się
- aktywność ekonomiczna
- aktywność społeczna
- aktywność zawodowa
- bezpieczeństwo socjalne
- bezpieczeństwo społeczne
- Bialystok (Podlasie Voivodship)
- białystok (woj. podlaskie)
- border regions
- borderland city
- care elderly
- Cooperation
- cultural capital
- culture of poverty
- development strategy
- dewiacje społeczne
- Discrimination in employment
- dom pomocy społecznej
- dyskryminacja w zatrudnieniu
- dyskryminacja z powodu wieku
- dyskryminacja ze względu na wiek
- economic activity
- economic sociology
- elderly
- employment of persons in retirement age
- employment of retirees
- enklawa społeczna
- enklawy ubóstwa
- gerontechnologia
- gerontechnology
- gerontologia
- gerontology
- Human capital
- infrastruktura społeczna
- instytucje nonprofit
- kapitał kulturowy
- kapitał ludzki
- kapitał społeczny
- klasy społeczne
- kooperacja
- kultura ubóstwa
- lifestyle
- local development
- lonely people
- ludzie starsi
- ludzie starzy
- marginalizacja społeczna
- miasto pogranicza
- miasto przyjazne starszemu wiekowi
- nierówności społeczne
- Non-governmental organizations
- nonprofit institutions
- nursing home
- Old age
- old age policy
- old people
- Older people
- older workers
- opieka nad ludźmi starymi
- opieka społeczna
- organizacje pozarządowe
- osoby samotne
- państwo dobrobytu
- pension age
- peripheral regions
- planowanie strategiczne
- polityka społeczna
- polityka starości
- Poverty
- poverty enclave
- professional activity
- przestrzeń społeczna
- regiony peryferyjne
- regiony przygraniczne
- rozwój lokalny
- silver economy
- silver market
- social activity
- social capital
- Social classes
- social deviance
- social diversity
- social enclave
- social exclusion
- Social Inequality
- social infrastructure
- social marginalization
- Social policy
- Social security
- social space
- social welfare
- sociology of ageing
- sociology of borderland
- sociology of the city
- socjologia ekonomiczna
- socjologia miasta
- socjologia pogranicza
- socjologia starości
- solidarity of generations
- solidarność międzypokoleniowa
- solidarność pokoleń
- srebrna gospodarka
- srebrny rynek
- starość
- starsi pracownicy
- starzenie się
- strategia rozwoju
- strategic management
- Strategic planning
- styl życia
- third age
- Trust
- trzeci wiek
- ubóstwo
- university of the third age
- uniwersytet trzeciego wieku
- Welfare State
- wiek emerytalny
- wykluczenie społeczne
- zarządzanie strategiczne
- zatrudnienie emerytów
- zatrudnienie osób w wieku poprodukcyjnym
- zaufanie
- zróżnicowanie społeczne