
Sote-palvelut markkinoilla – tavoitteita, toiveita ja ristiriitoja

Sote-palvelut markkinoilla – tavoitteita, toiveita ja ristiriitoja

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"Health and social services on the markets - objectives, expectations and contradictions Public services are facing a massive turbulence in Finland. The forthcoming public service reform brings public health and social services under a single umbrella management. Simultaneously the reform transforms the ways services are organised and produced. Citizens, private sector organisations and markets are viewed from a new and wider role.The ongoing changes place a major demand for a new knowledge on the future role of the public sector actors and their relations with the markets. In addition there is a growing need for research focusing on the ways that public services are organized and produced through citizen co-creation.ALIS-project targeted on widening the understanding about the possibilities and challenges of the health and social service’ markets. The aim was also to describe the motives, needs and logics behind the different market actors, especially municipalities. The project was carried out between the years 2013 and 2016 and funded by TEKES. Three Finnish cities, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, took part on the project and shared their case examples for research purposes. This book brings together the main findings of the ALIS-project. The book consists of four parts that constitute of independent scientific articles. The first part concentrates on the changing role and actions of the municipalities in the health and social service markets. The second part discusses the themes of participation and customer-focus attached to the service development. The third part focuses on the outcomes-based commissioning which is a rather novel means of procurement. Finally, the last part challenges the reader to view the markets from a wider and more philosophic perspective. All in all, this book is an attempt to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the public health and social services and the markets – markets in which different objectives, expectations and contradictions moderate the discussion and actions. Health and social services on the markets - objectives, expectations and contradictions Public services are facing a massive turbulence in Finland. The forthcoming public service reform brings public health and social services under a single umbrella management. Simultaneously the reform transforms the ways services are organised and produced. Citizens, private sector organisations and markets are viewed from a new and wider role.The ongoing changes place a major demand for a new knowledge on the future role of the public sector actors and their relations with the markets. In addition there is a growing need for research focusing on the ways that public services are organized and produced through citizen co-creation.ALIS-project targeted on widening the understanding about the possibilities and challenges of the health and social service’ markets. The aim was also to describe the motives, needs and logics behind the different market actors, especially municipalities. The project was carried out between the years 2013 and 2016 and funded by TEKES. Three Finnish cities, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, took part on the project and shared their case examples for research purposes. This book brings together the main findings of the ALIS-project. The book consists of four parts that constitute of independent scientific articles. The first part concentrates on the changing role and actions of the municipalities in the health and social service markets. The second part discusses the themes of participation and customer-focus attached to the service development. The third part focuses on the outcomes-based commissioning which is a rather novel means of procurement. Finally, the last part challenges the reader to view the markets from a wider and more philosophic perspective. All in all, this book is an attempt to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the public health and social services and the markets – markets in which different objectives, expectations and contradictions moderate the discussion and actions. Health and social services on the markets - objectives, expectations and contradictions Public services are facing a massive turbulence in Finland. The forthcoming public service reform brings public health and social services under a single umbrella management. Simultaneously the reform transforms the ways services are organised and produced. Citizens, private sector organisations and markets are viewed from a new and wider role.The ongoing changes place a major demand for a new knowledge on the future role of the public sector actors and their relations with the markets. In addition there is a growing need for research focusing on the ways that public services are organized and produced through citizen co-creation.ALIS-project targeted on widening the understanding about the possibilities and challenges of the health and social service’ markets. The aim was also to describe the motives, needs and logics behind the different market actors, especially municipalities. The project was carried out between the years 2013 and 2016 and funded by TEKES. Three Finnish cities, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, took part on the project and shared their case examples for research purposes. This book brings together the main findings of the ALIS-project. The book consists of four parts that constitute of independent scientific articles. The first part concentrates on the changing role and actions of the municipalities in the health and social service markets. The second part discusses the themes of participation and customer-focus attached to the service development. The third part focuses on the outcomes-based commissioning which is a rather novel means of procurement. Finally, the last part challenges the reader to view the markets from a wider and more philosophic perspective. All in all, this book is an attempt to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the public health and social services and the markets – markets in which different objectives, expectations and contradictions moderate the discussion and actions. Health and social services on the markets - objectives, expectations and contradictions Public services are facing a massive turbulence in Finland. The forthcoming public service reform brings public health and social services under a single umbrella management. Simultaneously the reform transforms the ways services are organised and produced. Citizens, private sector organisations and markets are viewed from a new and wider role.The ongoing changes place a major demand for a new knowledge on the future role of the public sector actors and their relations with the markets. In addition there is a growing need for research focusing on the ways that public services are organized and produced through citizen co-creation.ALIS-project targeted on widening the understanding about the possibilities and challenges of the health and social service’ markets. The aim was also to describe the motives, needs and logics behind the different market actors, especially municipalities. The project was carried out between the years 2013 and 2016 and funded by TEKES. Three Finnish cities, Jyväskylä, Tampere and Turku, took part on the project and shared their case examples for research purposes. This book brings together the main findings of the ALIS-project. The book consists of four parts that constitute of independent scientific articles. The first part concentrates on the changing role and actions of the municipalities in the health and social service markets. The second part discusses the themes of participation and customer-focus attached to the service development. The third part focuses on the outcomes-based commissioning which is a rather novel means of procurement. Finally, the last part challenges the reader to view the markets from a wider and more philosophic perspective. All in all, this book is an attempt to give the reader a comprehensive understanding of the public health and social services and the markets – markets in which different objectives, expectations and contradictions moderate the discussion and actions. "

"Julkisten palvelujen järjestämisen ja tuottamisen tavat ovat olleet melkoisessa turbulenssissa viime aikoina. Tulevaisuuden maakunta- ja sote-uudistus jatkaa muutoksen aikaa ja voimistaa aikaisemmin alkanutta kehitystä ottamalla asiakkaat, yksityiset toimijat ja markkinat mukaan palvelujen kehittämiseen ja tuottamiseen.Markkinoiden luominen ja huoltaminen (ALIS) -hankkeen tavoitteena oli laajentaa ymmärrystä sosiaali- ja terveysmarkkinoiden toiminnasta sekä markkinoilla toimivien motiiveista, tarpeista ja toimintalogiikoista. Nyt jos koskaan on tarvetta tiedolle, joka käsittelee julkishallinnon roolia, toimintaa ja suhdetta markkinoihin yleisesti sekä palvelujen järjestämisen ja hankinnan tapoja, eli suhdetta yrityksiin ja asiakkaisiin erityisesti.Sote-palvelut markkinoilla -teos kokoaa yhteen ALIS-hankkeen keskeiset havainnot jajohtopäätökset. Kirja jakaantuu neljään osakokonaisuuteen, jotka koostuvat itsenäisistä tieteellisistä artikkeleista. Ensimmäinen osa käsittelee kuntia sote-markkinoiden toimijoina ja hahmottelee uuden elinvoimakunnan toimintamallia. Toinen osa avaa osallisuuden ja asiakaslähtöisyyden teemoja osana palvelujen kehittämistä. Kolmannessa osassa tarkastellaan hankintoja ja erityisesti tulosperusteista hankintaa, joka on verraten uusi palvelujen hankintatapa. Neljäs osa haastaa lukijaa markkinoiden laajempaan tarkasteluun astetta filosofisemmin ja liberalistisemmin. Kokonaisuudessaan teos tarjoaa monipuolisen näkymän sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluihin sekä -markkinoihin.ALIS-hanke toteutettiin vuosina 2013–2016 ja se rahoitettiin Tekesin Innovaatiot sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa -ohjelmasta. Hankkeen kohdekaupunkeina olivat Jyväskylä, Tampere ja Turku."

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  • associations
  • co-production
  • conflicts
  • customer focus
  • customer guidance
  • customer value
  • Economic systems & structures
  • Economics
  • Economics, finance, business & management
  • Foundations
  • health services
  • Industrial policy
  • market creation
  • Markets
  • municipalities
  • outcomes-based commissioning
  • Participation
  • partnerships
  • Politics & government
  • Procurement
  • Public administration
  • public services
  • role of the public administration
  • social services
  • Social services & welfare, criminology
  • Social welfare & social services
  • Society & Social Sciences
  • thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKS Social welfare and social services
  • thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JP Politics and government::JPP Public administration
  • thema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KC Economics::KCS Economic systems and structures


DOI: 10.26530/OAPEN_621500


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