
Serras de Xisto da Cordilheira Central

Serras de Xisto da Cordilheira Central

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This thesis aims to contribute to the geomorphological and geo-ecological knowledge of the Schist Mountains in the western sector of the Portuguese Central Range. This second part, the current one, focuses on the role played by man, as the main responsible agent for the evolution of the slopes over the last millennium, in which the construction of agricultural fields is emphasized. The first part of this research deals with the geomorphological analysis and is developed in three chapters: the morpho-structural framework, the landforms and the alluvial deposits, respectively. The second part, centred in the quantification of processes, is more focused on the environment and shows more geo-ecological concerns. It corresponds to chapters fourth and fifth; the former is dedicated to the hydro-climatology, which is the main agent of the morphogenesis and of the recent and current evolution of the slopes , whilst the latter addresses the human intervention and the ecosystems changes.

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DOI: 10.14195/978-989-26-1322-2


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