
In-situ H_1tn2O Removal Via Hydrophilic Membranes During Fischer-Tropsch and Other Fuel Related Synthesis Reactions

In-situ H_1tn2O Removal Via Hydrophilic Membranes During Fischer-Tropsch and Other Fuel Related Synthesis Reactions

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The general objective of this thesis was to explore the potential of in-situ H2O removal during fuel-related synthesis reactions with focus on in-situ H2O removal by hydrophilic membranes and by chemical reaction. It is demonstrated that in-situ H2O removal through vapour permeation during CO2 hydrogenation to Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbons and during DME/DEE synthesis leads to increased conversion and yield levels, which are directly linked to the degree of H2O recovery.

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DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000022232


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