At the heart of Catch-22 resides the incomparable World War II flier John Yossarian, a hero endlessly inventive in his schemes to save his skin from the horrible chances of war. Yet if he attempts to excuse himself from the perilous missions, he is trapped by the Great Loyalty Oath Crusade, the hilariously sinister bureaucratic rule from which the book takes its title: a man is considered insane if he willingly continues to fly dangerous combat missions, but if he makes the necessary formal request to be relieved of such missions this very act proves that he is sane and therefore ineligible to be relieved. As revealing today as when it was first published, this brilliant novel was the preferred reading material of the pacifist movement of the 1960?s, expressing the concerns of an entire generation in its black comedy.
This work is a translation of Catch-22.
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