
Ray Tracing Gems II
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"The digital version of this book is available now for free – with the print version following very soon! This Open Access book is a must-have for anyone interested in real-time rendering. Ray tracing is the holy grail of gaming graphics, simulating the physical behavior of light to bring real-time, cinematic-quality rendering to even the most visually intense games. Ray tracing is also a fundamental algorithm used for architecture applications, visualization, sound simulation, deep learning, and more. Ray Tracing Gems II is written by industry experts with a particular focus on ray tracing, and it offers a practical means to master the new capabilities of current and future GPUs with the latest graphics APIs. What You'll Learn: The latest ray tracing techniques for developing real-time applications in multiple domains Case studies from developers and studios who have shipped products that use real-time ray tracing. Guidance, advice and best practices for rendering applications with various GPU-based ray tracing APIs (DirectX Raytracing, Vulkan Ray Tracing) High performance graphics for 3D graphics, virtual reality, animation, and more Who This Book Is For: Game and graphics developers who are looking to leverage the latest hardware and software tools for real-time rendering and ray tracing to enhance their applications across a variety of disciplines."

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  • BVH and Acceleration Structures
  • Computer graphics
  • Computing & information technology
  • DirectX Raytracing
  • Game development
  • GPU
  • Graphical & digital media applications
  • open access
  • Path Tracing
  • rasterization
  • Ray tracing
  • Real-Time Rendering
  • thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology::UG Graphical and digital media applications
  • Vulkan Ray Tracing


DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4842-7185-8


edition cover


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