
Firms and System Competitiveness in Italy

Firms and System Competitiveness in Italy

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Recent evolution of the Italian industrial system shows how the concepts of localization/delocalization of economic production processes have very little to do with geographical and administrative borders. In this context, a very important and discussed element of complexity is represented by the evaluation of competitiveness. Problems regarding the concept and its proper measurement require a deep elaboration and regard the context of analysis, the information and the available statistical data sources. This book aims at discussing this complex phenomenon from a critical viewpoint both at a macro (economic systems) and at a micro (firms) level showing that they are intrinsically integrated.

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  • Econometrics
  • Economia
  • Economics
  • Economics, finance, business & management
  • Statistica


DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6453-270-7


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