
Il mercato non basta

Il mercato non basta


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The volume presents the thesis of the social roots of the European crisis, supported by an empirical analysis that highlights the extent to which the inequality between EU citizens, which grew with the 2008 recession, determines the ideas of Europe circulating among Europeans, helping to influence their sense of belonging. The work develops an original theoretical approach that is experimented in the field through a study that shows, on the one hand, the boundless narrative heritage and the different identity forms that characterize Europe; on the other, the main factors that influence them: the experiences, the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the individual and the context, the use of the media and the role played by the institutions on the territory.

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  • Society & Social Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Sociology & anthropology


DOI: 10.36253/978-88-6453-609-5


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