
Konvolutionäre neuronale Netze in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung und Robotik

Konvolutionäre neuronale Netze in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung und Robotik

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In the first part of this dissertation, a framework for the design of a CNN for FPGAs is presented, consisting of a preprocessing algorithm, an augmentation technique, a custom quantization scheme and a pruning step of the CNN. The combination of conventional image processing with neural networks is shown in the second part by an example from robotics, where an image-based visual servoing process is successfully conducted for a gripping process of a robot.

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  • bildbasierte Regelung
  • Bildverarbeitung
  • CNN
  • Electrical engineering
  • Energy technology & engineering
  • FPGA
  • image based visual servoing
  • künstliche neuronale Netze
  • Technology, engineering, agriculture


DOI: 10.5445/KSP/1000146397


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