The book of disquiet
Fernando Pessoa and Richard Zenith
Il libro dell'inquietudine di Bernardo Soares is a translation of this work.
Het boek der rusteloosheid is a translation of this work.
Das Buch der Unruhe des Hilfsbuchhalters Bernardo Soares is a translation of this work.
Le livre de l'intranquillité de Bernardo Soares is a translation of this work.
Libro del desasosiego is a translation of this work.
LIVRO DO DESASSOSSEGO is a translation of this work.
Llibre de Desassossec is a translation of this work.
Livro do desassossego: composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa is a translation of this work.
Levottomuuden kirja is a translation of this work.
Orons bok is a translation of this work.
Huzursuzlugun Kitabi is a translation of this work.
Księga niepokoju Bernarda Soaresa, pomocnika księgowego w Lizbonie is a translation of this work.
Kniha neklidu is a translation of this work.
To vivlio tēs anēsychias is a translation of this work.
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