

A farewell to arms


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Apochairetismos sta opia is a translation of this work.

L'adieu aux armes is a translation of this work.

Afscheid van de wapenen is a translation of this work.

ADEUS AS ARMAS is a translation of this work.

Farvel til våbnene is a translation of this work.

In einem andern Land is a translation of this work.

무기여 잘 있거라(영한대역문고 57) is a translation of this work.

Addio alle armi is a translation of this work.

武器よさらば is a translation of this work.

Farväl till vapnen is a translation of this work.

A farewell to arms is a translation of this work.

Pożegnanie z bronią is a translation of this work.

A Farewell to Arms is a translation of this work.

Jäähyväiset aseille is a translation of this work.

Búcsú a fegyverektől is a translation of this work.

Un Adéu a les armes is a translation of this work.

Adiós a las armas is a translation of this work.

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