

Business Model Generation

2 Ungluers have Faved this Work
Offers tools and techniques to systematically understand, design, and implement new business models and renovate and rework old models.

Business Model Generatie is a translation of this work.

Business Model Generation is a translation of this work.

CRIAR MODELOS DE NEGOCIO is a translation of this work.

Business Model Generation: Inovação em Modelos de Negócios is a translation of this work.

Business Model is a translation of this work.

Creare modelli di business. Un manuale pratico ed efficace per ispirare chi deve creare o innovare un modello di business is a translation of this work.

Tworzenie modeli biznesowych. Podręcznik wizjonera is a translation of this work.

Business model generation is a translation of this work.

Tvorba business modelů is a translation of this work.

Business model generation is a translation of this work.

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