


Advanced Machine Learning Applications in Big Data Analytics

Advanced Machine Learning Applications in Big Data Analytics

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With the development of computer technology and communication technology, various industries have collected a large amount of data in different forms, so-called big data. How to obtain valuable knowledge from these data is a very challenging task. Machine learning is such a direct and effective method for big data analytics. In recent years, a variety of advanced machine learning technologies have emerged, and they continue to play important roles in the era of big data. Considering advanced machine learning and big data together, we have selected a series of relevant works in this Special Issue to showcase the latest research advancements in this field. Specifically, a total of thirty-three articles are included in this Special Issue, which can be roughly categorized into six groups: time series analysis, evolutionary computation, pattern recognition, computer vision, image encryption, and others.

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DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-8487-4


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