
Selected Papers from the 19th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics (CALOR 2022)

Selected Papers from the 19th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics (CALOR 2022)

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This reprint contains a summary of what has been presented at the 19th “Calorimetry for High Energy Physics Experiment” (CALOR) conference, which was held at the University of Sussex (Brighton, UK) in May 2022. The state of the art of particle detection, as well as of simulation tools for particle interactions with material, is presented and discussed by world leaders in the Research & Development of particle detectors, as well as early career researchers, sparking very exciting conversations within the detector development community during the five days of the conference.

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  • astroparticles
  • Atlas
  • burn-in
  • calibration
  • calorimeter
  • calorimeter calibration
  • calorimeter performance
  • calorimeter reconstruction
  • calorimeters
  • Calorimetry
  • calorimetry for high energy physics
  • Ceramics
  • charge transfer luminescence
  • Cherenkov calorimeter
  • Cherenkov light
  • cluster splitting algorithm
  • CMS
  • CNN
  • commissioning
  • compact muon solenoid
  • Cosmic Rays
  • crystal
  • Crystals
  • dark photon
  • deep learning
  • dual calorimetry
  • dual readout detector R&D
  • dual-readout
  • dual-readout calorimetry
  • electromagnetic calorimeter
  • electromagnetic calorimetry
  • electromagnetic showers
  • Electronics
  • energy nonlinearity
  • energy reconstruction
  • energy resolution
  • fast timing
  • fast-timing
  • FCC
  • flavour violation
  • forward calorimetry
  • FPGA
  • front-end
  • future colliders
  • gaseous imaging and tracking detectors
  • geant-val
  • Geant4
  • GNN
  • graph neural network
  • hadron calorimeter
  • hadron calorimetry
  • hadronic calorimeter
  • hadronic interaction
  • Higgs factory
  • High Energy Physics
  • high granularity
  • high granularity calorimetry
  • high luminosity large hadron collider
  • high-granularity
  • Image reconstruction
  • intensity frontier
  • irradiation
  • JUNO
  • LAR
  • large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics
  • Large Hadron Collider
  • LHC
  • light yield
  • linear collider
  • liquid argon
  • liquid argon calibration
  • liquid argon detectors
  • liquid scintillator
  • liquified noble gas
  • LYSO
  • Machine learning
  • Maps
  • Mathematics & science
  • Mechanics
  • MPPC
  • Neural Network
  • neutrino detectors
  • Neutrons
  • optical fibres
  • particle detectors
  • particle flow
  • particle identification
  • PbF2
  • Phase-1
  • phase-2
  • Phase-II upgrade
  • photomultipliers
  • Physics
  • plasma light source
  • PMTs
  • pre-shower
  • proton CT
  • proton tracking
  • protons
  • quality assurance testing
  • radiation hardness
  • radiation-hard detectors
  • reactor neutrinos
  • readout
  • Reference, information & interdisciplinary subjects
  • Research & information: general
  • resistive plate chambers
  • resolution
  • scintillating glass
  • scintillation
  • scintillation light
  • scintillators
  • secondary electron emission
  • Signal processing
  • signal reconstruction
  • silicon detectors
  • silicon photomultiplier
  • silicon photomultipliers
  • simulation
  • SiPM
  • SiPMs
  • SLR
  • space instrumentation
  • test-beam
  • Tile Calorimeter
  • TileCal
  • time of flight
  • transformer-coupled buck converters
  • trigger
  • ultrafast calorimetry
  • upgrade
  • γ-ray astronomy


DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-8395-2


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