
Il mercato dei non fungible tokens tra arte, moda e gamification

Il mercato dei non fungible tokens tra arte, moda e gamification

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The book collects contributions from computer scientists, jurists, philosophers, and sociologists capable of photographing the multidisciplinary approach required to understand NFTs completely and is divided into two sections. The first is dedicated to introducing the IT concepts necessary to understand the functioning of NFTs and to delve into the market dynamics from a legal perspective, starting from the economic sustainability and the techniques used to influence prices. Specific ones, such as the possibility of giving the NFTs as collateral or implementing their requisition, are added to these aspects. The second section examines the nature and use of artistic and fashion NFTs and their possible use in the Metaverse. The section opens with a philosophical reflection on the evolution of the very concept of a work of art and an artist in light of the development of NFTs. Then, it focuses on the legal and sociological aspects.

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DOI: 10.54103/milanoup.150


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