
Climate Smart Greenhouses

Climate Smart Greenhouses

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In an era profoundly influenced by climate change, Climate Smart Greenhouses - Innovations and Impacts emerges as a pivotal guide, heralding a path toward resilient, efficient, and sustainable food production. By seamlessly blending the essence of traditional farming wisdom with the pulse of modern innovation, this book underscores the vast potential of human ingenuity and determination against daunting environmental adversities. Venturing deep into the realm of contemporary agriculture, it elucidates the nuanced role of farming in greenhouse gas emissions, sheds light on the innovative cooling systems tailored for closed greenhouses, and emphasizes the untapped potential of hydroponics. Additionally, it brings to the forefront the revolutionary strides of Controlled Environment Agriculture in the vibrant landscapes of Africa, inspiring readers with visionary greenhouses that astutely interweave economic prudence with ecological responsibility. Beyond its pages, it serves as a clarion call, reaching out to thinkers, innovators, dreamers, and every individual who cherishes our planet. It passionately advocates for a reimagined and harmonized agricultural future, where food production not only sustains but thrives in tandem with nature’s rhythms. This is not just a book; it is a journey towards a green tomorrow.

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  • Climate Change
  • Pollution & threats to the environment
  • The environment


DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.107801


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