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Since near-death experiences (NDEs) are no longer a niche topic in the discourse of Western societies, but have already been and are being widely received and disseminated in the media, the potentials of scientific research on the topic are far from being exhausted. This may have something to do, not least, with the fact that dealing with NDEs challenges established understandings of science perhaps more than other topics. The present anthology therefore makes three proposals for a new perspective on the topic and for continuing the discussion that has already begun: It will ask about the negotiation of boundaries, about ›near-death experiences‹ as a scientific concept, and about the potentials of interdisciplinary work. For this purpose, contributions from different scientific disciplines such as religious studies, theology, sociology, and medicine will be gathered, each of them dealing with the topic from their own specific view.

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DOI: 10.38072/978-3-928794-66-4


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