
Zwischen lokalen Traditionen und kultureller Integration

Zwischen lokalen Traditionen und kultureller Integration


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This study examines the Late Viking Age burials at the cemetery of Havor, Hablingbo sn, on Gotland and in particular the way in which memories and ideas of the past on the one hand and cultural changes on the other were instrumentalized in the burials of Havor for the construction of specific identities. This approach, especially through the use of older burial traditions and the re-use of older burial sites, allows conclusions to be drawn about the perception of a mythical past in the Viking Age and about the discursive level of memories and traditions as social and identity-forming constructs. The theoretical starting point for this analysis is the reconceptualization of the concept of resources by the SFB 1070, which as an analytical tool enables a holistic perspective on the multidimensional network of perception and valorization of material and immaterial aspects.

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DOI: 10.15496/publikation-77795


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