Measure for measure
William Shakespeare, Ivo Kamps, Karen Raber
Measure for measure is a translation of this work.
Maaß für Maaß, oder Wie einer mißt, so wird ihm wieder gemessen is a translation of this work.
Mesura per mesura is a translation of this work.
Misura per misura is a translation of this work.
Medida por medida is a translation of this work.
Medida por medida is a translation of this work.
Mesure pour mesure is a translation of this work.
Lige for lige is a translation of this work.
MEDIDA POR MEDIDA is a translation of this work.
量.度 is a translation of this work.
Miarka za miarkę is a translation of this work.
This book is included in Project Gutenberg.
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