The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Robert Tressell
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PREFACE -- A few moreths ago a friend ashed me to look at the tmttuscript of a nonel, ' The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, ' the wor? of a socialistich ortse-paintewr, h o wrote his booh and died. f consentedw ithout enthustbsme, rpectingt o be neither intetrestecnlo r amused-and found I had chaucetl Ntpona remarhableh umand ocurnent. With griru hamortr and pitiless realism the working man has reaealedth e liaes and hearts of his mates, t heir opinion of their betters, their politrcal aieuts, their attitude towards Socialisnt. Through the busy dht. o/ the hamtner and tlu scraping hnife, the clang of the pail, the swish of thb while' zaasht, l e yell of thef oremaft) comesth et atk of the rnen, t heir rckesa nd curseqt keir leopeas nd terrors, the whirg?erhryo f their ohl people, the cry of their children. In reducinga large masso if nranuscriptto the lim'itations of book forrn, tlt has been my tash to cut away superfluous matter and repetition onl1t. The rest renrcins as it came from the pen of Robert T*ssall, kouse-paintear nd signwriter, wlto recorded kis criticism of the present schenrc of things, ttntil, weary of the struggle, Iee slipped out of it. -- CONTENTS -- GHAPTER PAGE I. AN IMPERIAL BANQUET . T IT. NIMROD: A MIGHTY HUNTER BEFORE THE LORD 18 III: THE FINANCIERS rv. THE PLACARD . 54 V. OWEN AT HOME vI. TlrE EXTERMTNATTNG MACHTNES: 76 vII; THE cAP oN THE sTAIRS . .. 88 VIII. THE. LONG HILL 97 tX. IIANDS AND BRAINS . . ., i Io4 X. THE UFPER .6, ND NETHER MILLSTONES I T I xr, THE TlloRouGH MAN . l3l xIL SUNDAY SCHOOL r3g X!II. THE LODGER; r.{8 . x r v, THE'CRICKETERS' ARMST . r 5 3 XV. THE GREAT MONEY TRICK T66 xvr. THE RErcN OF TERROR r78 XVII. THE . OPEN AIR' r 88 X V I II . R U T H: . r g 4 xlx. THE OBLONG 2og xx. THE SLAUGHTER 235 xxl. cHRrsTMAs EVE 244 xxlr. THE I PANDoRAMER' . zsr XXIII. THE BRIGANDS. 2\9 xxrv. TI{E VETERAN: . XXV. TT{E NEW TENANTS ., 72 CONTENTS cHAtTnR PAGE xxvr. THE BRIcAND'S cAvE 278 xxvrr. THE BRTGANDs AT woRK . 285 xxvIII. THE BEANO MEETTNG 293 xxrx. THE socrAlrsr vAN . "" 306 xxx. THE BEANO 3r2 xxxr. TtrE GREAT ORATToN 327 a r xxxrl. rHr srxtY rIvE' 345 xxxIII. THE GHoULS 349 xxxlv. THE wISE tlrEN or rHE EAsr 363 XXXV. THE WIDOW S SON . THE END. 388
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- Social conflict -- Fiction
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- Working class -- Fiction
- Working class families
- Working class families -- Fiction