
Edwin A. Abbott
Açıklamalı düzülke is a translation of this work.
Flatlandia is a translation of this work.
PLANILANDIA is a translation of this work.
Flächenland is a translation of this work.
Flatland is a translation of this work.
Síkföld is a translation of this work.
Lapikmaa is a translation of this work.
PLANOLANDIA - UM ROMANCE DE MUITAS DIMENSOES is a translation of this work.
Flatland is a translation of this work.
Planilàndia is a translation of this work.
Flatlandia czyli Kraina Płaszczaków is a translation of this work.
Düzlemler ülkesi is a translation of this work.
Planilandia is a translation of this work.
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A campaign has succeeded to unglue Flatland!
The rights holder, Gluejar, Inc. , has agreed to release Flatland to the world as a Creative Commons licensed ebook (CC0) thanks to the efforts of ungluers like you.
Campaign details: the fine print
In this TEST campaign, everything is already in the public domain.
- 2266 - mobi (CC0) at Unglue.it.
- 2664 - epub (CC0) at Unglue.it.
- Accessible book
- Classic Literature
- Denkbeeldige landen
- Dimension 4.
- England, fiction
- English language
- English Science fiction
- Examinations
- Fiction
- Fiction, action & adventure
- Fiction, fantasy, general
- Fiction, general
- Fiction, humorous, general
- Film adaptations
- Film and video adaptations
- Fourth dimension
- Geometry
- Historical fiction
- Imaginary places
- In library
- Large type books
- Literature
- Long Now Manual for Civilization
- Mathematics
- Meetkunde
- Open Library Staff Picks
- OverDrive
- Protected DAISY
- Readers (Secondary)
- Reading Level-Grade 11
- Reading Level-Grade 12
- SAT (Educational test)
- Science Fiction
- Specimens
- Spiritual life
- spirituality
- Study guides
- Vocabulary tests
- Wit and Humor as Topic

I discovered this book in High School and it almost made me want to take more Math. I always did like the word problems.
It's nice to see a Public Domain digital book with attention to attractive ebook design.
We've identified a problem with the images inside the epub file, and the team is working on it. This is exactly why we do testing!