FRANKENSTEIN is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein ossia Il moderno prometeo is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein ou Le Prométhée moderne is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein oder der moderne Prometheus is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
RRËFIMET E NJË KOMBI: Shqiptarët, turqit, muslimanët dhe të krishterët në tekstlibrat shkollorë të historisë dhe letërsisë në Kosovë is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein o el Prometeu modern is a translation of this work.
Het monster van Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein, ehk, Moodne Prometheus is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein ou O moderno Prometeo is a translation of this work.
프랑켄슈타인(청소년 징검다리 클래식 13)(양장본 HardCover) is a translation of this work.
科學怪人 is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein 1818. Ediz. integrale is a translation of this work.
Frankenstein is a translation of this work.
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