Коллапс is a translation of this work.
Effondrement is a translation of this work.
Ondergang is a translation of this work.
Colapso is a translation of this work.
大崩壞 is a translation of this work.
KOLLAPS is a translation of this work.
문명의붕괴 is a translation of this work.
Collasso. Come le società scelgono di morire o vivere is a translation of this work.
Undergång is a translation of this work.
社会如何选择成败兴亡 is a translation of this work.
Összeomlás is a translation of this work.
Kolaps is a translation of this work.
Romahdus is a translation of this work.
崩溃 is a translation of this work.
Colapso is a translation of this work.
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