Feu pâle is a translation of this work.
Palido Fuego is a translation of this work.
Fuoco pallido is a translation of this work.
Bleek vuur is a translation of this work.
Foc pāl·lid is a translation of this work.
FOGO PALIDO is a translation of this work.
Gesammelte Werke is a translation of this work.
Blek låga is a translation of this work.
Fahles Feuer is a translation of this work.
青白い炎 is a translation of this work.
Blady ogień is a translation of this work.
Bledý oheň is a translation of this work.
Saint Peter's Lutheran Church (Fullerton) 90th Anniversary 1862-1953 is a translation of this work.
Бледный огонь is a translation of this work.
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