The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Economic, Social, and Political Impacts
Dilek Demirbas et al. (editors)
Languages and Meaning of the City / Langages et sens de la ville
Jacques Fontanille et al. (editors)
A Comparative Analysis of Pre-Trial Procedure in Europe: The Search for an Ideal Model
Edward Johnston et al. (editors)
The Effects of Technological Innovations on Competitiveness and Economic Growth
Ercan Saridogan et al. (editors)
Philosophical Remarks on City and Right to the City / Felsefede Kent ve Kent Hakkı
Ozguc Guven and Murat Ertan Kardes, editors
Dârülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Mecmuası Seçme Makaleler
Mehmet Samsakci and Sevim Guldurmez, editors
Contemporary Turkish – Russian Relations from Past to Future
Ilyas Topsakal et al. (editors)
The City: Literary Encounters / Şehir: Edebî Karşılaşmalar
Erman Goren et al. (editors)
Covid-19: Molecular and Clinical Approach / Covid-19: Moleküler ve Klinik Yaklaşım
Bedia Cakmakoglu et al. (editors)
1st Istanbul International Geography Congress Proceedings Book
Barbaros Gonencgil et al. (editors)
Mahmut Ak et al. (editors)
The United Nations and its Conflict Resolution Role
Muharrem Hilmi Ozev and Aydin Erdogan, editors