All these books are free to read: either they're distributed with a free license, or they're in the public domain.
These books do not seem to be included in the Directory of Open Access Books.
Un monde sans copyright... et sans monopole
Joost Smiers and Marieke van Schijndel
$2 of thanks
from 1 ungluers
and 0 others
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Geektionnerd tome 3. Licence de la vie
Simon Giraudot
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Chantal Bernard-Putz and Benjamin Sonntag
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
R et espace. Traitement de l'information géographique
Groupe ElementR
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Eric Berthomier and Daniel Schang
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Richard Stallman et la révolution du logiciel libre
Richard M. Stallman et al.
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Geektionnerd tome 1. Rencontre du troisième type
Simon Giraudot
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Karl Fogel
$0 of thanks
from 0 ungluers
and 0 others
Diccionario francés-espanol y espanol-francés
Melchior Emmanuel Nuñez de Taboada
Diccionario francés-español