

keyword: Africa -- Description and travel – 13 free books.

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The Congo and Coasts of Africa

Richard Harding Davis

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Richard Harding Davis

Het land der Bagas en de Rio-Nuñez De Aarde en haar Volken, 1887

Grégoire-Gaspard-Félix Coffinières de Nordeck

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Grégoire-Gaspard-Félix Coffinières de Nordeck

The World and Its People, Book VII: Views in Africa

Larkin Dunton (editor) and Anna B Badlam (Author)

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Larkin Dunton (editor) and Anna B Badlam (Author)

From the Cape to Cairo: The First Traverse of Africa from South to North

Ewart Scott Grogan and Arthur H. (Arthur Henry) Sharp

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Ewart Scott Grogan and Arthur H. (Arthur Henry) Sharp