keyword: Animal welfare – 42 free books.
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Animal Nutrition and Productions: Series II
Daniel Simeanu and Daniel Mierlita, editors
Dog–Human Relationships: Behavior, Physiology, and Wellbeing
Betty McGuire (editor)
Regenerative Farming and Sustainable Diets
Joyce D'Silva and Carol McKenna, editors
The Effects of Housing and Management on the Behaviour and Welfare of Hens and Broilers
Victoria Sandilands and Tina Widowski, editors
Antimicrobial Prescribing and Stewardship, 2nd Volume
Diane Ashiru-Oredope (editor)
Foodborne Pathogens Management: From Farm and Pond to Fork
Frans J.M. Smulders (editor)
Biomarkers of Stress in Companion Animals
Angelo Gazzano and Asahi Ogi, editors
Sigfredo Fuentes et al. (editors)
Innovative Production Strategies for High-Quality, Traditional Pig Products
Giovanna Martelli and Eleonora Nannoni, editors
Sustainable Consumer Behavior and Food Marketing
Oliver Meixner et al. (editors)
Advances and Perspectives in Farm Animal Learning and Cognition
Christian Nawroth and Jan Langbein, editors
Environmental Enrichment: Enhancing Neural Plasticity, Resilience, and Repair
Amanda C. Kentner et al. (editors)