keyword: Archiving, preservation & digitisation – 36 free books.
These books are not included in Project Gutenberg.
Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe
Leo Kenis et al. (editors)
L’organizzazione delle biblioteche
Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (Author) and Carlo Bianchini (editor)
Geschichte der altgermanistischen Edition
Martin Schubert and Judith Lange, editors
Gabriel Naudé, Helluo Librorum, e l’Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque
Alfredo Serrai et al.
Deutsche Archive im digitalen Zeitalter
Antje Diener-Staeckling et al. (editors)
Tramandare la memoria sociale del Novecento
Enrica Boldrini and Lucilla Conigliello, editors
La Libreria privata del Marchese Suddecano Gabriello Riccardi
Guglielmo Bartoletti