keyword: Cardiovascular health – 8 free books.
These books are included in the Directory of Open Access Books. This means that they have been peer-reviewed and are of interest to scholars.
Recent Advances in Nutrition for Disease Prevention and Sports Performance Enhancement
Pedro L. Valenzuela (editor)
The Effect of Diet on Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Disease and Blood Vessels
Hayato Tada (editor)
Diets, Foods and Food Components Effect on Dyslipidemia
Federica Fogacci et al. (editors)
Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health
Paramjit S. Tappia and Heather Blewett, editors
Selected Papers from the 9th Greek Conference of Biochemistry and Physiology of Exercise
Vassilis Mougios (editor)
A Life Course Perspective on Health Trajectories and Transitions
Claudine Burton-Jeangros et al.