keyword: Climate Change – 123 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change
Doug Brugge and Aaron Datesman
Multidisciplinary Research at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona
William A. Longacre et al. (editors)
Aligning the Energy Transition with the Sustainable Development Goals
Maryse Labriet et al. (editors)
The Future of Manufacturing: The Italian Roadmap
Rosanna Fornasiero and Tullio A. M. Tolio, editors
Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries
Corinne Bieder et al. (editors)
Positive Tipping Points Towards Sustainability
J. David Tàbara et al. (editors)
International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2022
Harald Ginzky et al. (editors)
Climate Change in Regional Perspective
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann et al. (editors)