keyword: Coastal erosion – 16 free books.
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Advances in Remote Sensing in Coastal Geomorphology ?
José Juan de Sanjosé Blasco et al. (editors)
Sediment Dynamics in Artificial Nourishments
Carlos Daniel Borges Coelho (editor)
Future Challenges in the Framework of Integrated and Sustainable Environmental Planning
Salvador García-Ayllón Veintimilla and Antonio Espín Tomás, editors
Land Modifications and Impacts on Coastal Areas
Pietro Aucelli et al. (editors)
Relative Sea-Level Changes and their Impact on Coastal Zones
Pietro Aucelli et al. (editors)
Wave Interactions with Coastal Structures
Tomohiro Suzuki and Corrado Altomare, editors
Coastal Deposits: Environmental Implications, Mathematical Modeling and Technological Development
Marta Pérez Arlucea and Rita González-Villanueva, editors
Evaluation of Boulder Deposits Linked to Late Neogene Hurricane Events
Markes E. Johnson and Jorge Ledesma-Vázquez, editors
Coastal Morphology Assessment and Coastal Protection
Yoshimichi Yamamoto (editor)
Beach Nourishment: A 21st Century Review
Juan J. Munoz-Perez and Luis Moreno, editors
Coastal Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategies
Diego Vicinanza and Pasquale Contestabile, editors
Climate Change, Coasts and Coastal Risk
Roshanka Ranasinghe and Ruben Jongejan, editors