keyword: Decision-making – 16 free books.
These books are available in EPUB format - good for Kindle, iBooks, Nook, Kobo.
Justice and Recovery for Victimised Children
Susanna Johansson et al. (editors)
Patient Safety: Delivering Cost-Contained, High Quality, Person-Centered, and Safe Healthcare
Sandra C. Buttigieg et al. (editors)
David R. Mandel et al. (editors)
Ludovic Seifert et al. (editors)
The Impact of Stress on Cognition and Motivation
Pedro Morgado and João J. Cerqueira, editors
Twenty Years After the Iowa Gambling Task: Rationality, Emotion, and Decision-Making
Jong-Tsun Huang et al.
Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things
Mercedes Bunz and Laima Janciute
Reward Processing in Motivational and Affective Disorders
Frank Ryan and Nikolina Skandali
Executive Functions in Psychiatric Disorders
Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz et al.