keyword: Differential calculus & equations – 16 free books.
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Advances in Dynamical Systems Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications
Bruno Carpentieri (editor)
Qualitative and Computational Aspects of Dynamical Systems
Kamal Shah et al. (editors)
Einführung in die Differential- und in die Differenzengleichungen
Alexander Lewintan and Peter Lewintan
Advances in Dynamical Systems Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications
Bruno Carpentieri (editor)
A Collection of Papers on Chaos Theory and Its Applications
Paul Bracken and Dimo I. Uzunov, editors
Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos
Jan Awrejcewicz and Peter Hagedorn, editors
Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2018
Spencer J. Sherwin et al.
Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups
Michael Ruzhansky and Durvudkhan Suragan
Boundary Value Problems, Weyl Functions, and Differential Operators
Jussi Behrndt et al.