keyword: Disability – 123 free books.
These books are available in PDF format - good for desktops, printing.
The Museum Accessibility Spectrum
Alison F. Eardley and Vanessa E. Jones, editors
Behind the Story: Ethical Readings of Qurʾānic Narratives
Samer Rashwani (editor)
Forced Migration and Humanitarian Action
Lorenzo Guadagno and Lisette R. Robles, editors
Outcome Measures and Innovative Approaches in Rehabilitation
Marco Tramontano and Giovanni Galeoto, editors
Zjawiska niepożądane w zatrudnieniu z perspektywy prawa pracy – wybrane zagadnienia
Zuzanna Bartosik et al.
Comorbidities and Complications of Cerebral Palsy
Christine Imms and Monica S Cooper, editors
Sports or/and Special Populations: Training Physiology in Health and Sports Performance
Felipe Aidar (editor)