keyword: E-Health – 13 free books.
Clinical Applications of Cyberpsychology and Virtual Reality for Mental Disorders
Stéphane Bouchard (editor)
The Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology and Digital Radiology: Where Are We?
Daniele Giansanti (editor)
Wearable and BAN Sensors for Physical Rehabilitation and eHealth Architectures
Maria de Fátima Domingues et al. (editors)
Digital innovation in Multiple Sclerosis Management
Tjalf Ziemssen and Rocco Haase, editors
Computational Intelligence in Healthcare
Giovanna Castellano and Gabriella Casalino, editors
Feature Papers "Age-Friendly Cities & Communities: State of the Art and Future Perspectives"
Joost van Hoof and Hannah R. Marston, editors
Cares in the Age of Communication: Health Education and Healthy Lifestyles
Iván Herrera-Peco and Julio C. de la Torre-Montero, editors
Enhanced Living Environments: Algorithms, Architectures, Platforms, and Systems
Ivan Ganchev et al. (editors)