keyword: Encyclopaedias & reference works – 24 free books.
Nicole Cabrera et al.
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from 4 ungluers
and 3 others
Private Libraries and their Documentation, 1665–1830
Rindert Jagersma et al. (editors)
Critical Dictionary on Borders, Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration
Bernard REITEL and Birte Wassenberg, editors
Argentina's Economic Reforms of the 1990s in Contemporary and Historical Perspective
Domingo Cavallo and Sonia Cavallo Runde
In the Shadow of Transitional Justice
Guy Elcheroth and Neloufer de Mel, editors
The Islamic Funerary Inscriptions of Bahrain, Pre-1317 AH/1900 AD
Timothy Insoll et al.
Woodstock Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Annotated Bibliography
Jeffrey N. Gatten
A Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai
Rudolf E. de Jong