keyword: Epistemology – 121 free books.
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Early Childhood Science Education: Research Trends in Learning and Teaching
Konstantinos Ravanis (editor)
Désir de multitude. Différence, antagonisme et politique matérialiste
Juan Manuel Aragüés Estragués
Forms of List-Making: Epistemic, Literary, and Visual Enumeration
Roman Alexander Barton et al. (editors)
Modelling and Simulation of Human-Environment Interactions
Philippe J. Giabbanelli and Arika Ligmann-Zielinska, editors
Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Research in the Social Sciences
Ulrich Dettweiler et al. (editors)
Erzählte Ordnungen – Ordnungen des Erzählens
Daniela Fuhrmann and Pia Selmayr, editors